Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

4th/Oct/2011 the signatures sent off by german mail

yesterday 4th/Oct/2011 the mail package was sent off by German Mail (deutsche Post) to the Vatican

Montag, 3. Oktober 2011

Petition closed 30.Sept.2011

The Petition closed on 30th/Sept/2011.
The Mail to the Vatican (congregation) is ready. We will bring it to the Post office tomorrow (04th/Oct/2011).

We hope that the Vatican will get it before the festivities in Florence beginning on 12th/oct/2011 concerning Maria Valtorta.
In contrary to the displayed count of 587 Signatures on the website: When I downloaded the signatures, they were just 535 signatures.

On this blog I will report any reaction we get from the vatican, but this may take some time... So stay tune!

Freitag, 9. September 2011

Feierlichkeiten zum 50. Todestag von Maria Valtorta

Florenz, Mittwoch, 12. Oktober
Capella del Capitolo am Großen Kreuzgang der Basilika Ss Annunziata, wo sich das Grabmal von Maria Valtorta befindet:

11h00 - Heilige Messe in englischer Sprache mit Rev. Edgar Rueda LC, der eine Gruppe australischer Pilger begleitet
15h30 - Heilige Messe der Valtorta-Gemeinschaft von Florenz
16h45 - Rosenkranzgebet, wird von Radio Maria übertragen

Florenz, Samstag, 15. Oktober
Zusammenkunft im Refettorio duecentesco der Basilika Ss Annunziata (Eingang Via Cesare Battisti 6):

14h30 - Eröffnung der Zusammenkunft. Begrüßung durch den Prior des Konvents.
14h45 - 1. Vortrag: Maria Valtorta, eine Mystikerin aus der Familie der Servi di S. Maria
               Referent Dr P. Giuseppe M. Galassi o.s.m.
15h15 - 2. Vortrag: Die Passion unseres Herrn Jesus Christus im Werk Maria Valtortas
      Referent Dr Don Carmelo Mezzasalma
15h45 - Verschiedene Referenten, vorgestellt von Dr Emilio Pisani
17h00 - in der Basilika der Santissima Annunziata:
      mit einem Erzbischof/ apostolischen Nuntius, der am Grab Maria Valtortas seine Verehrung ausdrücken wird      


Florence, Wednesday 12 October 2011
Cappella del Capitolo of the Great Cloister, Basilica Ss. Annunziata, where the tomb of Maria Valtorta is located:

11h00 - Holy Mass in English with Rev. Edgar Rueda LC, who accompanies an Australian pilgrimage group
15h30 - Holy Mass of the Valtorta Community in Florence
16h45 - Recitiation of the Holy Rosary, transmitted by Radio Maria

Florence, Saturday 15 October 2011
Meeting in the Refettorio duecentesco, Basilica Ss. Annunziata (entrance at Via Cesare Battista 6):

14h30 - Opening of the meeting. Welcome by the prior of the convent.
14h45 - 1st Lecture: Maria Valtorta, a mystic from the family of the Servi di S. Maria
               Speaker Dr P. Giuseppe M. Galassi o.s.m.
15h15 - 2nd Lecture: The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ in the work of Maria Valtorta
  Speaker Dr Don Carmelo Mezzasalma
15h45 - Various speakers, presented by Dr. Emilio Pisani
17h00 - in the Basilica of the Ss Annunziata
  Eucharistic concelebration with an archbishop/ apostolic nuncio, who will express his devotion at Mary Valtorta's grave

Sonntag, 14. August 2011

up to 30th of September 2011, then I will close the petition

Right after September 30th, i will send the petition letter with the signatures to the congregation in Rome, so that the congregation will get the letter before October 12th, the 50. anniverary of the passing of Maria Valtorta.
We hope that there will be up to one thousand (1000) signatures then, accompanying our petition letter.

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011

Austrian Catholic Community Forum deletes Posting

Some of our signers tried to put a posting about the petition and the festivities concerning the Holy Mass in Florence on 12th of October 2011 (50th anniversary of death of Maria Valtorta) on the community forum.
This is one of the biggest german speaking catholic network on the internet.

Immediately after posting, the posting was deleted by the Forum moderator by the name of Gandalf. It seems that they are opposed to any ideas about Maria Valtorta, although there are lots of Postings about Medjugorje on

Here you can see a sreenshot of the deleting message of June 27, 2011

It says: The posting <Maria Valtorta> of Evalyne (today, 16:42) was deleted by user Gandalf (today 17:36)

Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

400 Signature line crossed on Saturday June 4th

There is a slow, but steady flow of signatures. I am hopeful, that this will keep on like that!